How to utilize IT training effectively

  1. Choose the right learning path
  2. Select a qualified education provider
  3. Make use of the sessions
  4. Get into the character
  5. Post training activities

Information technology is an ever growing field and provides promising career options. A Knowledge of Computers and their implementations have become essential for any job. Anyone can become a successful IT professional by taking the appropriate training. To maximize your chances, you should know how to utilize IT training effectively.

Taking IT training can cost time and money; the following tips will help you in utilizing it better:

Choose the right learning path

Selecting the right course is the first step. If you are unsure of which course to take:

  • Do some research. Review various blogs and articles online.
  • Look at your objectives. Answer Why and What.
  • Analyze how you will use the knowledge after the training completion, and what job/s would you want to target.
  • Talk to a career counselor. Pursuing your education, work experience and future goals, he will be able to suggest the right course.
  • Narrow down your choices. IT is as vast as an ocean, so it is preferable to understand which area in Information technology would you want to pursue.
  • Discuss the learning paths and prerequisites. Certain courses require some prerequisite subject knowledge. You should understand what the prerequisites for a particular training are.
  • Have realistic goals. Taking a course of 30-40 hours will not magically generate a higher paying job. A good training will set you on a path to success.

Select a qualified education provider

Once you have selected the course, look for the education provider. Give preference to instructor-led sessions. Video based sessions will not be interactive and very soon will get boring. Working with the instructor is good because he can share his working experience and you can ask your queries.

Google on various education providers and contact them. Look up their credentials, reviews and who is at the helm of affairs. Talk to the respective instructor and discuss your objectives.

Make good use of the sessions

Training sessions can be in-class or virtual. For many, the preferred option is virtual training as it provides more flexibility.

  • Be responsive. During the sessions, make sure to ask questions and respond to the instructor’s questions. Students’ queries keep the Instructor motivated. Interactive sessions are more important during virtual sessions as the instructor cannot see your expressions and he has no way to know whether you are grasping the concept.
  • Take notes. Even if the Instructor provides you with the course material, take your own notes too. Write important tips and make note of any important websites the Instructor is providing.
  • Instructor’s material may be elaborate. Create your own notes in MS-word and organize according to your learning and needs. This will help you in revising the content.

Get into the character

You might have read that when movie actors prepare for a new role, they get into the character. You have to do the same when you start a training. If you are new to IT, then an IT developer or an IT consultant is your new role. Whatever technology you are learning, make that your character. If you are enrolled into a database training, then believe that you are a database developer.

  • Be in the zone. Live your character, 24 hours a day. Feel and believe your new role.
  • Revision. Revision plays an important part in any learning program. If you read something and cannot recall, then you have not understood it. Make sure you stay active during the class and revise whenever you get time – before the class, during the breaks and after the class.
  • In your free time, try to recall the content covered in the class. The best time to do this is when you are driving/commuting, brushing or waiting in doctor’s office etc.
  • Practice. Practicing your craft will make you an expert.
  • Avoid watching TV. Performing a non-contributive activity will reduce your learning. Avoid watching TV and reduce your interaction on social media.

Post-training activities

Your work is not complete after the training is over. You have to continue to work towards your goals.

  • Work on your resume. Make sure your resume highlights your newly acquired skills.
  • Practice for interviews. Knowledge is important but expressing your knowledge is equally important. Work with your instructor on interview techniques. Have mockup interview sessions where you can learn what to expect during an interview.
  • Continuous learning. Keep in touch with your training provider. Look for advanced courses in your desired area.
  • Keep in touch with your batch mates. If you had other students in your training course, exchange contact information and stay in touch. References always help.

I always encourage my students to watch this inspiring video – Fake it till you make it and then become it.

Hope these tips help you in achieving your goals. Remember completing a course is not your objective, but what you do with it is important.

About the Author

Chandraish Sinha has  20+ years of experience in Information Technology. He is an accomplished author and has published 11 books covering Business Intelligence related topics such as, Tableau,Power BI, and Qlik. Checkout his Amazon Author profile.

His latest book Excel Basics to Advanced covers all the aspects of MS Excel and provides exercises for self-learning.

Similarly, his recent book, Dashboarding with Tableau, covers all the features in Tableau and includes exercises for self-learning.

He has implemented IT solutions in different domains viz. Pharmaceutical, Healthcare, Telecom, Financial and Retail.

He blogs regularly on various IT topics. Check them out in the links given below: 


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