Practical steps to set goals for success.

To achieve success we neeed to take actions on our goals. This blog will outline the practical steps to set goals for success.

Practical steps to set goals and achieve them 

Setting and achieving goals involves a systematic and conscious approach. We should have a clear understanding of our goals and work towards them to achieve success.

1. Define your goals clearly.

Articulate what you want to achieve clearly. Make SMART goals; that is, your goals need to be Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART). Creating unrealistic and out-of-context goals can lead to failure or procrastination. For example, if today, your current annual income is $50,000 and you set a goal of earning $10 million in one year, it can be a unrealistic goal, and you may hesitate to work on it. Instead, setting a goal to increase your income to $100,000 or by 40-50% would be more realistic and motivating.

2. Write down your goals with pen and paper.

The physical act of writing stimulates different parts of the brain compared to typing. It helps in forming neural connections in the brain related to your goals. Seeing the goals on paper reinforces dedication in achieving them, fostering a stronger sense of accountability. The goals should be written in the present tense, as it creates a sense of urgency and emphasizes your commitment to working towards it. Learn how to write goals for success.

3. Avoid sharing your goals.

Studies have shown that sharing goals with others demotivates a person from working towards their achievement. This happens because receiving premature praise for goals yet to be achieved may mystify the brain to perceive that the objectives have already been accomplished, subsequently reducing your efforts. It is advisable to share your goals only with your mentor or individuals who can guide in achieving your aims.

4. Post your goals on different locations.

After writing your goals, it is always a good idea to post them on a visible spot. When goals are clearly displayed, they serve as reminders and help maintain focus on what needs to be accomplished. Avoid confining goals to a single location. The pursuit of goal setting and achievement requires a conscious effort. If goals are placed in one location, they become a routine, and the brain fails to emphasize their importance. Instead, consider placing goals in different locations each week, perhaps using different colors and fonts to keep them fresh in your mind. For example, if you pin them on your refrigerator door on the first week, try placing them on the pantry wall the following week.

5. Have a roadmap.

A roadmap is essential for achieving success in the attainment of your goals. Create a plan that breaks down the goals into smaller tasks, and achieve these smaller tasks leading to your overall objective. Develop a project plan and assign deadlines for each task. The completion of each smaller task will boost your confidence and drive you to work harder towards achieving the rest. Every evening, plan your next day, prioritize your work, tackle the most difficult tasks first, and address easier ones later. In the book Eat That Frog, author Brian Tracy explains 21 great ways to get more done in less time.

6. Take action towards your goals.

There is no perfect time to take action on your goals; the best day is today and the best time is now. Take action to achieve success and start working on your goals immediately. If you procrastinate or postpone, your chances of failure will increase. Act on the tasks defined on your roadmap now. Try to focus for shorter periods on smaller tasks, and your will be amazed at how much you can accomplish. Watch the YouTube video of Stephen Duneier on how he achieved great goals by focusing for shorter periods of time.

7. Evaluate your goals.

It is important to evaluate your work periodically. This will help in assessing your progress and determine what is working for you and what is not. The best way is to measure your progress every three weeks. If you have missed a deadline, revise it. If you have achieved success, celebrate it by rewarding yourself.

Goal setting is an essential step for success, learn how to write your goals for success.

About the Author

Chandraish Sinha is the founder and President of Ohio Computer Academy, a company dedicated to providing IT education. An enthusiastic IT trainer, Chandraish embodies his company’s motto: Inspire, Educate & Evolve.

He has  20+ years of experience in Information Technology. He is an accomplished author and has published 11 books covering Business Intelligence related topics such as, Tableau, Power BI and Qlik. Checkout his Amazon Author profile.

His latest book Excel Basics to Advanced covers all the aspects of MS Excel and provides exercises for self-learning.

Similarly, his recent book, Dashboarding with Tableau, covers all the features in Tableau and includes exercises for self-learning.

He has implemented IT solutions in various domains viz. Pharmaceutical, Healthcare, Telecom, Financial and Retail.

He blogs regularly on various IT topics. Check them out in the links given below: 


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