SQL Server 2019

Install SQL Server 2019 Express Edition on Windows 10

SQL Server Express Edition is a good way to learn a database. It is a free edition of SQL Server, ideal for development and production for desktop, web, and small server applications. In this blog, we will tell you how to install SQL Server 2019 Express Edition.

Steps to install SQL Server Express Edition

  1. Download the installation file from the link :   https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sql-server/sql-server-downloads
  2. Download the Express edition. The downloaded file SQL 2019 SSEI will go to your laptop’s Downloads folder. Click on it to start installation.
  3. If you are installing for the first time, choose the Basic Installation.

SQL Server 2019

4. Accept the License Terms.

5. In the next screen, specify the install location or select the default. Also make sure your computer has enough space for the installation.

Sql Server 2019

6.  It will download the package and start installing.

SQL Server-ohio Computer

7. After the installation is complete, Instance name and different folder locations will be displayed. You can change them or select the defaults. Don’t close this screen, instead click on Install SSMS. This will install the SqlServer Management Studio.

Management Studio is a user interface that allows you to access SQL Server and write queries etc.

Sql Server 2019

Downloading SQL Server Management Studio

  1. If you click on the Install SSMS button as shown in the previous screen, you will be navigated to the SSMS install url or you can use the this url Install SSMS
  2. Click on Run.
  3. You can specify the install location or select the default location and click on Install.

Sql Server Management Studio

This will install SQLServer Management Studio on your machine.

Restart of the computer is essential for completing the installation of SQL Server and Management studio.

You can restart your computer now.

Accessing SQL Server using Management Studio

  1. After your computer has restarted, go to your Start Program and locate management studio or start typing -‘Man’. The Management studio app will show up. Click on Open.

SQL Management Studio

2. This will open Connect to Server dialogue. Server name should be your machine as you have installed SQL Server on your laptop. Keep all the defaults and hit Connect. This will connect you to SQL Server.

Connect To Server

Hope you were able to install SQL Server successfully. In the next blog, we will  learn how to restore a database backup to your SQL Server.

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