Career in the IT Industry

Are You Ready for Change? Here’s How to Enter the IT Industry Without Any Experience!

Information technology is one of the industries with the fastest job growth. Currently, IT positions are among the best-paying and most satisfying careers available. Nevertheless, we all had to begin somewhere. Careers in IT might be challenging without a few tips and tricks, whether you want to program C++ apps at a game studio or resolve today’s most challenging technical problems. We created this guide to help you launch your IT career even if you have little experience so that you can work in the most significant sector currently available.

Find out how to start a career in IT without any previous experience!

The future of technology starts here:

The global IT industry is booming, and everything around it is looking positive for now and the future. The revenue of the global IT market is expected to reach US$1,204.00bn in 2023, and even the average Spend per Employee in the IT Services market is expected to reach US$345.50 in 2023. Also, in just a single year (2021-2022), the global IT industry grew from $8,384.32 billion in 2021 to $9,358.51.

With so many positive growth rates, average spending per employee, and global market worth, there can never be a better time to become a part of the IT industry that is growing by leaps and bounds. Currently, IT jobs are considered the most valued and high-paying jobs worldwide. This is likely why almost 4% of the global population comprises engineers only.

Today, people have many reasons to join the IT industry like promising career paths, work-life flexibility, and competitive salaries. You should invariably consider the IT industry, even if you are looking for a job that delivers on all levels.

But with so many engineers trying to get a job, getting an offer from an IT company without any prior experience can prove challenging as most IT companies are looking for experienced engineers. Despite this, you still have a chance because there are several ways to enter the IT sector without prior experience.

Why Start a Career in IT?

The IT sector offers easy access without a formal education, quick employment, prospects across numerous fields, a variety of professional pathways, and high income. Furthermore, it is tremendously compensatory if you are willing to recognize the requirement.

Career Change

Gone are the days when people used to spend their entire life pursuing a single career option. We live in an era of high flexibility and changes, and everyone looks forward to better benefits. This is making employees consider a career change, and the IT industry is the best option for changing your career for any reason.

The IT industry will offer you everything if you look forward to a positive culture, work-life balance, flexible scheduling, better pay, or better learning opportunities. Even the epidemic has contributed significantly to the rise in career changes, as many people left their jobs in search of other fields to thrive.

Great Scope and a Rising Industry

With the improvement of technology, IT professionals are also improving. For IT professionals, evolving has become necessary; it is not an option. But with the constant honing of skills and garnering knowledge, IT professionals are growing faster than any other professional.

Also, the IT industry overlaps with many other industries, and therefore, the IT industry offers the most versatile career opportunities. Plus, according to a report published by Gartner Hype Cycle, the IT industry will witness the emergence of almost 30 new fields in the next 5 to 10 years, which means the career opportunities in the IT sector are going to extend further.

It’s Something You Feel Passionate About

If you are a natural problem solver, good at computers and the cloud, and passionate about other innovative technological solutions like Machine Learning, AI, and IoT, you must join the IT sector and search for how to start a career in IT. Many people feel passionate about solving others’ problems and contributing to the IT evolution; such people make them valued IT professionals.

Compared to other industries, IT careers can always be tempting because they help make the world a better, more productive place where things can be done quickly and effectively. Because there is something new to learn daily, you might invariably be enthusiastic about your job and the IT industry.

How to Start an IT Career As Soon As Possible

Right now, there is such a high demand for tech expertise that qualified IT professionals can find themselves spending half of their days responding to messages from recruiters on LinkedIn. But what if you want to enter the field but still need to establish a solid professional foundation? In that case, you will be searching for a position that will be a launching pad for a fruitful and prosperous tech career.

Learn Applicable Problem-solving Skills

Every employer screens IT candidates for problem-solving skills since good problem-solving skills help an employee to be good at resilience, creativity, imagination, and logic, and all these skills come in handy when dealing with any IT operation.

All those candidates who are good problem solvers will move the IT business forward more effectively, and this is why it becomes necessary for you to make up for your lack of experience with problem-solving skills.

Experiment With Freelancing To Gain Some Experience

Just because you haven’t worked in any company doesn’t mean that your experience section in the resume needs to be empty. There are many ways to gain some experience, and currently, while trying to figure out how to start a career in IT, IT students are flocking toward freelancing.

There are many IT professions in which you can easily find freelancing work. For example, you can begin freelancing and complete projects if you plan to become a web developer. Every freelancing work can be highlighted on your resume while applying for an IT job in a company.

Work on Ambitious Personal Projects

It doesn’t matter whether you are trying to become a system administrator, a cloud computing expert, or a network engineer; the experience gained in that field will be a highlight of your career and will make you stand out from others. But working in the company is not the only way to gain experience as you can also work on your own ambitious personal project.

You can begin working on your project if you are good at working without any structure. You can start your website, build a software solution or even tinker with a specific computer network.

Learn Soft Skills

Soft skills have become an essential part of almost every profession, and IT jobs are no exception. Simple yet necessary social abilities like teamwork, critical thinking, time management, and communication can give you an edge over all the other candidates who have never worked on their soft skills.

Employers know the value of soft skills as they motivate employees and even help increase employee productivity. This is why employers always prefer IT professionals with soft skills over others.

Get a Great Certification

Getting a reliable and valuable certification is the quickest way to break into the IT industry. While you may have to work at study for 4-5 years to get a college degree, you can get certifications in just a couple of weeks.

But this doesn’t mean you should go for any certification. Look for the certification options and choose the one valued in the IT industry. A certificate demonstrates your skills to the company. This might be the most effective technique to compensate for your lack of experience.

What Type of Certification is Valuable in the IT Industry?

Here are some most popular certification that holds great value in the IT industry-

  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Certified Professional Cloud Architect

It is a professional-level certification that guarantees the certificate holder can design, develop, and manage solutions on the Google Cloud Platform.

  •  AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate

This is the most demanded IT industry certification in 2023. As more companies flock toward the cloud, this certification will remain on the top list for 2023.

  • Certified Information Security Manager (CISM)

The Information Systems Audit and Control Association offers this certification, and IT professionals pursue it to gain the expertise and knowledge required to develop and manage an enterprise information security program.

  • PMI – Project Management Professional (PMP)

Project Management Institute is currently offering this certification. This certification gives the validation that the certificate holder can easily manage both projects and project teams.

Where Can I Get Good Certification to Start a Career in IT?

Are you seeking a way to advance your abilities in your present IT employment, or do you wish to start a career in IT? A straightforward, efficient method of achieving your aims is certification. As it hones your abilities, certification raises your market value. However, the variety of IT certifications and related online courses that are readily available could be confusing to everyone.

Now that you have understood how to start a career in IT and know the importance of certification, the next thing you need to know is the best place to get a good certificate to start a career in IT without any work experience.

“Knowledge is power,” as the saying goes; Ohio Computer Academy can give you that power as you pursue a better career in various IT professions. Ultimately, obtaining certification has nothing to lose and everything to gain. Visit Ohio Computer Academy immediately to learn the abilities that will expand your employment opportunities!

Ohio Computer Academy: Creating a Community of Learners!

There may be many platforms offering IT certification, but Ohio Computer Academy is one place you can always trust for such certificates. We are a global Information Technology (IT) education provider and have the most prominent IT certification portfolio on the internet.

We are not just any IT education provider. Instead, we help IT candidates fulfill their dream by allowing them to make the best of the certification courses we offer. We have even partnered with different staffing agencies; therefore, we can help our IT candidates with job placement.

We have a team of experts who will provide you with notes, theoretical and practical knowledge, and instruction on soft skills like successfully navigating an interview. Our professionals center their education on the most current standards in the business so you may satisfy modern employer expectations and emerge as a job-ready candidate and ideal employee.

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