How to Perform Data Entry in Excel Using Forms

In Excel, data is entered into a cell, which is the intersection of a row and a column. Data entry can often be a tedious task, especially when dealing with large datasets. Fortunately, Microsoft Excel offers a powerful feature: data entry forms. In this blog, we will explore how to perform data entry in Excel using forms, making data collection easier and more efficient.

What is a Data Entry Form?

A data entry form in Excel is a user-friendly interface that allows you to enter and manage data more easily than directly entering it into a spreadsheet. It provides a structured way to input data, ensuring consistency and reducing errors.

Why Use Data Entry Forms?

  • User-Friendly: Forms provide a clean interface for entering data, making it easier for users.
  • Error Reduction: They help minimize input errors by enforcing data types and formats.
  • Convenient Navigation: Users can easily move through fields without scrolling through a long list of data.

Enable the Form Feature in Excel

Excel does not display the Form option in the ribbon/menu by default. To enable it:

  1. Go to the File menu and select Options.
  2. In the Excel Options dialog, click on Quick Access Toolbar.
  3. From the dropdown, choose Commnds Not in the Ribbon or All Commands.
  4. Scroll down and find Form. Click Add to move it to the Quick Access Toolbar.
  5. Click OK to save your changes.

This will display Form control in your Quick Access bar below the ribbon.

Adding form control in Excel

Steps to Creating a Data Entry Form in Excel

  1. Prepare your data. Launch Excel and on a new sheet enter column headers in the first row as shown below:
  1. Select the range of cells of the column headers, naviagte to Insert tab on the ribbon and select Table. Ensure the “My table has headers” option is checked as shown below:

This will covert colum headers in an Excel Table.

  1. Using the form. Now, click the Form button/control in the Quick Access Toolbar.A data entry form will appear, displaying fields corresponding to your table headers. Enter the required data in the fields of the form as shown below:
Performing data entry in Excel using forms.

This will create the first record. if you wish to create another record, click on “New” button on the form. If you have inserted a wrong data in the form, click on Restore button to undo it.

In this way you can enter any amount of data. Repeat the process to add more records. To navigate through existing records, use the Find Prev and Find Next buttons in the form.

  1. Searching for data. You can find any data entered into the table.Selecting the range of the table and then select the Form control and click on the Criteria. It will let you enter any search criteria.

You can use a form for data entry without converting a table too, however in that case, Excel will display a warning (shown below) that it cannot determine which row in the list or selecting contains column labels/header. Just click OK to continue working with the form.

Explore additional insights like these and enhance your Excel proficiency with comprehensive knowledge from the book Excel Basics to Advanced.

Enhance your Excel skills by exploring MS Excel Blogs for more valuable tips.

About the Author

Chandraish Sinha has  20+ years of experience in Information Technology. He is an accomplished author and has published 11 books covering Business Intelligence related topics such as, Tableau, Power BI and Qlik. Checkout his Amazon Author profile.

His latest book Excel Basics to Advanced covers all the aspects of MS Excel and provides exercises for self-learning.

Similarly, his recent book, Dashboarding with Tableau, covers all the features in Tableau and includes exercises for self-learning.

He has implemented IT solutions in different domains viz. Pharmaceutical, Healthcare, Telecom, Financial and Retail.

He blogs regularly on various IT topics. Check them out in the links given below: 


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