How to Install and Verify Your Python Setup

Python is a popular programming language known for its simplicity and rich collection of libraries. It’s a great choice for both beginners and experienced developers. This blog will explain how to Install and verify your Python setup.

Why Python is essential?

Python has wide applications and knowledge of Python provides numerous advantages to the developer. Some of the key benefits of Python are:

  • Easy to Learn: Python’s syntax is simple, clean, and readable, making it an ideal choice for beginners. Its straightforward design makes it easy to learn.
  • Wide Usage: Python contains a rich collection of libraries such as Pandas, TensorFlow, Django, Matplotlib, and Selenium. These libraries enable Python to be used effectively in web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation, and more.
  • Helpful Community: Python has a vast and supportive community. With numerous forums, tutorials, and resources available, you can easily find help and support when needed.
  • Cross-Platform: Python is compatible with various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. This cross-platform capability ensures that Python can be used across different environments, allowing you to work with the operating system of your choice.

How to Install Python?

Before we start working in Python, let’s go over the installation process:

Step1: Download Python

  1. Go to python official Website official Python website.

Choose the Version: We have different versions of Python. Based on your requirement choose the version. However, when we visit the official website, by default,  the latest version is displayed. Click on the Downloads option from the navigation and select version of python to download in any folder as shown below:

Note: Python can run in any kind of Operating System. But here we are discussing installation in Windows oprating system.

Step 2: Run the Installer

  1. Run the downloaded executable file (.exe).
  2. Make sure to check the box that says, “Add Python to PATH” before clicking “Install Now.” By checking this option, we can access Python from the command line. The option is show below:

Follow the prompts to complete installation.

How to verify python installation?

After successfully installing Python, we need to verify the installation. To do so,

  1. Start cmd or PowerShell by searching it in your Windows start program.
    • On the cmd prompt, type python –version or python3 –version. You should be able to see the installed version of Python. If you see any error, the installation needs to be done again. The cmd commands are shown below:
  1. Run the Python Interpreter:
    • In the cmd window, type python or python3 and press Enter. This will open the Python interactive shell.
    • In the cmd window, you can try a simple command like the following to ensure everything is working as expected
                          print("Hello, OhioComputerAcademy!")

Note: You can also install an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Visual Studio Code, Anaconda, PyCharm, or Sublime Text. They will provide advanced features and debugging capabilities.

If you face any issues in python installation, please mention in the comments.

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