Believe In Yourself

Building a promising career and succeeding in your career is a huge challenge in today’s competitive world. In this blog, we will discuss on how to succeed in our careers.


College Days! Not Just Fun Days!

As we all know, College days are the best times in everyone’s life. While schools give a strong educational foundation, colleges give you the opportunity to develop yourself in diverse fields. At this stage you will grow dynamically in your academic, social, physical, physiological, and psychological aspects.

This is the most important phase in your life, which is going to determine what your future holds for you. It is during this time that you identify your area of expertise and work more on it.


Why do you think thousands of graduates and post-graduates are jobless?

Do Not Miss Your Chance

Are they all inefficient or incapable? Certainly not! This is totally due to a lack of focus and hard work during college.

The mistakes they have made are :

  • have failed to plan their future at the right time.
  • have missed the opportunity to study well when they should have.
  • have neglected the chance to get help from their faculty to develop their skills.

You should not commit to the same mistake and end up nowhere. Consider this as your greatest opportunity to focus and plan your career. You may never get another chance at this.


Are You Distracted?

You guys are generation Z, who have been raised with the internet and social media. Social media or social networking has become inseparable from us.  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many more!

These are all extraordinary applications, that’s undeniable, and they have changed our life and lifestyle drastically. We are able to communicate with our friends across the globe within no time, share information, ideas, interests, pictures etc., and our super advanced smartphones make all this magic possible.

While this is awesome, do we realize that we are eventually getting addicted to this?


How many of you have experienced this strange anxiety, when you’ve misplaced your phone?

Most of us have become so intimately locked in our digital lives that we forget the real world right in front of us, and this holds good for all ages. In fact, programmers are working hard to keep you locked in these applications just like how people get addicted to drugs or gambling.

Social Networking – Effects 

 Although these gadgets improve our lives greatly, excessive usage leads to:

  1. Increased levels of anxiety
  2. Depression
  3. Poor sleep quality, thereby leading to
  4. Increased risk of accidents or deaths

Many of us wish we spent lesser time on our phones but find it incredibly difficult to disconnect.

Why are our smartphones so hard to ignore?

Smartphones So Hard To Ignore

Several studies have shown that a chemical called Dopamine is responsible for this. Also known as the ‘Happy Hormone’, it is a natural chemical produced by our brains and is responsible for transmitting signals between the nerve cells of the brain.

This Dopamine gets released whenever we take a bite of delicious food, after we exercise, and, importantly, when we have successful social interactions.

Every notification on our phone becomes a positive social trigger and thus increases dopamine. This chemical should be at a balanced level; either a decrease or increase can lead to undesirable effects on our health. In this case, it may lead to aggression, hallucinations, and depression.

We are totally unaware of what our mind and body are undergoing and what dangers await us. We need to overcome these distractions if we wish to improve our lives and accomplish our goals.

Ask yourself, “Is this worth my time?”

How can you take control of the situation and achieve success?

All it takes is a simple decision. We have two choices in life, always.

1: “Take life as it comes. Keep a positive attitude towards life and keep moving. All will be well.”

2: “All will be well, but I need to decide firmly on how my future should be, and work headstrong towards my goal, come what may.”

Most of us tend to follow rule # 1, which is to take life as it comes. It is certainly an easier option, “We needn’t think too much, destiny will show us a good path.” But do we always get satisfactory results when we are easygoing? Well, not always.

You are your own Guru 

We must analyze and determine what we actually want to become, our capabilities, and passions.

This can be done only by you. You are your own master. No one can control your mind other than yourself. You have to form strict rules and abide by them for your own well-being.

It’s high time you act upon planning your future. Some of you may have already started and the others, please start right now.

Analyze the following:

How did you land up in this course? What was your aim when you joined?

  1. Did you join out of compulsion or for better career opportunities?
  2. Are you passionate about the subject?

Whatever the case may be, you are here now and you should explore the scope of finishing the course. Where can it take you?

Think of the various possibilities.

Do you want to:

    1.  Pursue your studies further.
    2. Do research on any particular subject of interest.
    3. Acquire a job?
    4. Travel abroad for studies or placement?
    5. Change your area of study entirely?
    6. Start a new venture and become an entrepreneur

You are the Master of your destiny

  1. Evaluate how you want to shape your career. Every bit of what you become is determined by yourself, and you can never hold anyone else responsible.
  2. Each one of you is unique and has great potential inside you. You should be able to identify it and groom it with focus and dedication.
  3. Avoid distractions. Explore yourself and find out the true being within.
  4. Do not study just for the sake of grades or placement. You must seek true knowledge, which is going to stay with you forever.
  5. Explore and identify the opportunities presented in front of you.
  6. Start planning as early as possible. Planning well ahead will help you the most to achieve what you want.

Plan your Day

Plan Your Day

Let me give you a simple daily planner:

  1. Learn effective time management.
  2. Start with a fresh mind. Plan your day. Make a list of activities you want to do on that day.
  3. Try practicing Yoga. It has a great effect on the mind and body. It will rejuvenate your spirits.
  4. Keep yourself involved in some kind of constructive activities and avoid the non-productive ones. Learn as much as possible and as diverse as possible. You can learn a new computer language; it could be anything of your choice.
  5. Improve your skills such as Communication, Analytical, and Reasoning skills

Believe in yourself. Stay positive in all your efforts, we never know what is in store for us, but there is no harm in trying. Keep working, keep believing in yourself, “If YOU cannot, who else can?”

The strongest factor for success is self-esteem. Don’t let the fear of losing overtake you. Discover your capabilities and strengthen them to bring out the best in you.

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