Body Language In An Interview


An interview can generate anxiety for anyone, despite having considerable knowledge or experience. Appropriate body language is essential in communication, and it has a significant impact on how you present yourself professionally. Positive body language assists in understanding attitude and behavior; hence plays a vital role in an interview in this competitive world. One can be excited, energized, anxious as well as nervous before attending an interview.

Here are a few suggestions to create a positive first impression:

1. Facial expressions:

facial expressions

 “The face is the index of the mind”, says an English proverb, asserting that the face is one of the most reliable indicators of a person’s attitude and emotions. One could judge the confidence and reliability of the communicator’s information using facial expressions. It is also a source of positive or negative feedback. During any interview, facial expressions will be discerned and evaluated for selection. Display a warm smile while introducing yourself to the interviewer. A neutral expression represents respect and attentiveness which is appropriate in an interview. Try to retain patience, regardless of the nature of the interviewer or the questions asked. Do not express anger or discomfort under any circumstance. Establish good eye contact with the person you speak with.

2. Gestures:


Gestures are an essential way of conveying positive intentions. They help to enhance our communication with a key of spontaneity and naturalness. In an interview, appropriate body language implies maintaining subtle hand gestures. A person’s gestures should flow with the vocal channel to convey information meaningfully. The use of good gestures with the hand, arms, and head at the proper time is beneficial. Keeping the hands on the lap or clasping the palms is a sign of respect. Nevertheless, a speaker simply standing and talking with no movement creates a negative impact on the onlooker. Foot and finger tapping represent nervousness and should be avoided. In short, gestures show participation and enthusiasm, which in turn, establish your trustworthiness.

3. Posture:


A good posture indicates abundant positivity and confidence, which is highly essential for any type of interview. An open posture with arms spread in a relaxed manner displays more confidence, whereas closed postures such as folded arms, crossed legs, and a slumping back indicate a lack of confidence. Keeping your head upright and chin lifted shows self-reliance. Leaning forward from your position will show interest and enthusiasm. Just like gestures, postural movements should flow with the conversation to look natural.

4. Vocal patterns:

vocal pattern

The voice is an extraordinary human instrument. In any interview, the tone showcases the speaker’s attitude. A strong voice shows tremendous confidence, and one’s tone should be controlled depending on the situation, type, and audience.

Specific points to ponder to keep your tone of voice pleasant:

  • Speak slowly and enable the other person to catch your words.
  • Enunciate clearly.
  • Speak at an appropriate volume according to the space.
  • Use positive and compelling language to engage your listeners.
  • Make points plainly and concisely.
  • Focus on a sensible tone.
  • The louder you are, the more you indulge in confidence.

To summarize, body language is a powerful tool and primarily expresses your attitude. Facial expression, gestures, postures, and voice modulation profoundly impact receivers. So, one should become familiar with the importance of body language in an interview.

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